Hello everyone,
I am Tim Brown, a certified personal trainer. I am inviting you to experience group fitness training with me, or 1-on-1 training. Our goal at the 911 Fitclub is to teach the general public our philosophy of health and wellness, and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle throughout. We use fitness as a gauge to test our level of healthy including cardio-respiratory training, maximal strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility. Our fitness style is fundamental functional movement for the working class citizens. We hope to see our clients make long-term health improvements, and are here to assist the best we can.
I have worked in emergency medical services as a Paramedic in the city of Atlanta for 6 years.
I have served in the U.S army for 4 years
I have worked as trainer 7 years now
If you are interested in more details about our program, please leave your contact information in the contact box at the bottom of this page. Thank you